Thunderbolt! – Best Flying Movie Ever

I don’t have the time to go into the history of this amazing documentary, nor do I have the time to convince others why this should be mandatory viewing for all high school students and teachers when studying WWII.

Like many others who was enamored with the myth of the P-51 Mustang, promoted by the first addition of Ghosts Calendars of the 80’s, the P-47 Thunderbolt was overlooked and under appreciated. It wasn’t until I was learning to fly in my mid thirties that I discovered this masterpiece. After my revival, I was on a mission to learn the story of this magnificent aircraft. Over time I will tell this story, in the meantime, enjoy the feature.

Special thanks to Zeno Warbirds

Published by Brig Williams

Brig Williams in an Educator and Certified Flight Instructor. He is The Pilot in the Classroom