1 hour flight in 5 minutes and 5 songs KVUO – W27 – KVUO

Saturday December 5 , 2020 1:30 pm The COVID-19 stay at home as been hard, especially for those, like me, who have worked hard to isolate for loved ones at home. Because of that, I have not been able to flight instruct or fly with others. One of my joys is to take friends flying. …

Thunderbolt! – Best Flying Movie Ever

I don’t have the time to go into the history of this amazing documentary, nor do I have the time to convince others why this should be mandatory viewing for all high school students and teachers when studying WWII. Like many others who was enamored with the myth of the P-51 Mustang, promoted by the …

#3 SEE and AVOID

CFR 91.113 states that vigilance shall be maintained by each person operating an aircraft so as to see and avoid other aircraft. Most flights occur under Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC) and fall under Visual Flight Rules (VFR) where we can look out and see the sights, including other aircraft. This can’t be stressed enough – …

ADS-B: Are you ready?

The deadline for ADS-B is December 31,  2019. Are you ready? What’s your answer? “I’ve already put in ADS-B” or “My aircraft doesn’t have an electrical system so I don’t need it” or “I don’t fly where a transponder is needed” or “I’m going to wait until the very last possible minute”. Let me rephrase …

So You Want to Become a Pilot?

Congratulations on wanting to be a pilot! Before you begin your flight training you need to be very aware of one sobering fact: only two out of ten student pilots will earn their private pilot license. During the heyday of general aviation, 1950’s – 1960’s, there were about two million certified pilots in the United …

Spitfire: The Plane That Saved the World

Tubi is a free online TV and movie service which has a sizable documentary section. If you haven’t noticed from some of my logos, I’m a P47 Thunderbolt! man, however, the Spitfire is definitely my cheat. This was a wonderful documentary that did the plane, designers and the pilots, both men and women, who flew …